In biology, a gene is the basic unit of inheritance, a nucleotide sequence in DNA that encodes the synthesis of a gene product, RNA or protein.
The genome of an organism specifies all the amino acid sequences that make up the proteins of that organism, genes are the blueprint of life, and proteins are the carriers of life
Alpha Fold cracks almost all known protein structures
AlphaFold is an artificial intelligence (AI) program developed by Alphabet/Google's DeepMind that performs predictions of protein structures. The program is designed as a deep learning system.
Predicting the structure of proteins before 2018 includes cryo-electron microscopy, X-rays, etc., but they are extremely time-consuming and costly. Now Alpha Fold can predict protein models in a very short time, all it needs is to input a paragraph of amino acid language.
Alpha Fold restores the world at the microscopic level and predicts its future development. It is hailed by NATURE as an unprecedented progress, which promotes breakthroughs in genetics and the evolution of life.