Kirell Benzi
A Distant Past, (2021)
Inspired by the successful landing of the Mars 2020 mission, this piece of computer art has us wondering what Mars would have looked like with water on Earth's surface billions of years ago.
Pareidolia can occur in computer vision, specifically in image recognition programs, in which vague clues can spuriously detect images or features. In the case of an artificial neural network, higher-level features correspond to more recognizable features, and enhancing these features brings out what the computer sees. These examples of pareidolia reflect the training set of images that the network has "seen" previously.
Striking visuals can be produced in this way, notably in the DeepDream software, which falsely detects and then exaggerates features such as eyes and faces in any image. The features can be further exaggerated by creating a feedback loop where the output is used as the input for the network. The adjacent image was created by iterating the loop 50 times. Additionally the output can be modified such as slightly zooming in to create an animation of the images perspective flying though the surrealistic imagery.
In the photography of the installation, I found that the abstract figures combined with dots and lines can create the illusion of recognizing human faces under the projection of mirrors.If multiple identities are expressed by simulating the changes of human faces through computer art, the audience will not be able to predict the change of their identities, and it also expresses the unpredictability and danger of gene editing surgery.I think this is a suitable way of interpreting identity issues and metaphorical ethics. Although it is relatively abstract, it avoids conflicts caused by sensitive issues.